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Our Story

Our mission is to bring more joy and comfort into your life by designing thoughtful products that solve problems.

Tina is the CEO and Lead Designer behind LUNOURI.

It didn't start like this though.

As the daughter of Vietnamese immigrants, Tina's non-negotiable, pre-destined career path was medicine. Her dream of becoming a fashion designer was severely suppressed.

College was an empty and directionless time until she began teaching Pilates at a local studio. It was then that she noticed a problem: she could not find a cute bag to hold her yoga mat, keys, CD, water bottle and towel. So, she decided to create her own.

This marked the beginning of her design journey.

Today, LUNOURI was founded 2 years later. Women and young girls from all over the world follow her journey. From one cute yoga bag to now a showcase of innovative products improves women's lives and their relationship with their bodies!

LUNOURI is focused on creating innovative products to solve problems, while of course, making sure you look and feel great.

The journey has only just begun. Come join us!